Best of Thrasher Comix Series 3

Here's the third installment from the best Thrasher Comix submissions over the years. We also want to receive more Comix from you guys again. You can send us your original comic art to: Thrasher, 1303 Underwood Ave., San Francisco, CA, 94124. Or, better yet, just scan the art and email it to us at: [email protected]

By Chris Deleon

By Matt Yula

By Quincy Quigg
To see the first batch of Best of Comix, click here.
To see the second batch of Best of Comix, click here.
To see the fourth batch of Best of Comix, click here.
Best of Thrasher Comix Series 4
Memory lane can be a strange place. It's been fun digging through these old submissions and we can't wait to start showing you the new comics coming in. -
Best of Thrasher Comix Series 2
Whether they are demented doodles or sacred scrawls, here’s another batch of reader-submitted skate comics from over the years. -
Best of Thrasher Comix Series 1
Thrasher has a long history of reader-submitted skate comics. To celebrate the old ones and to encourage some news ones, here’s the first in a series of "Best Of Comix."