Bobby Worrest
Posted: April 13th, 2006
by Schmitty
Years skateboarding:
9 years.
Krooked skateboards, es footwear, spitfire wheels, thunder trucks, pitcrew skateshop, roughneck hardware, matix clothing.
Downingtown Pennsylvania.
B Dub, Bob Wo.
When I wake up I:
Lay in bed for another good hour.
For breakfast I:
Eat a peanut butter and jelly (grape) sandwich. Usually it's not breakfast time anymore.
For inspiration I:
Watch skate videos.
My daily skatespot is:
Pulaski Park.
Usually I skate with:
Zack Lyons, Daniel Kim, Chris Hall; basically everyone at Pulaski.
In the car I:
Listen to T.I, Lil Wayne, Dip Set...
After skating I:
Kick it with the crew, get something to eat.
On TV I watch:
If anything, Animal Planet... but I don't have time for much TV.
For dinner I eat:
Ruth Chris Steakhouse.
At night:
I party.
When I need some lovin' I:
Cuddle with my girl.
Before I go to sleep I:
Chill with my girl in bed.
In bed I:
Dream about skateboarding usually.
An easy frontside 5.0 for Mr. Worrest. Photo: Zaslavsky
TOP 3's
Pulaski, Welfare banks, Frisco Bart Bench
T.I., Jeezy, Dip Set
My boo Leah, My mom, My sister Michelle
Buzenitz, Pappalardo, Puig
Video parts?
Koston - Falling down, Brian Wenning - Photosynthesis, Dill - Snuff
The Hills Have Eyes, Rambo 2, Mothman Prophecies
Milk, orange juice, Budweiser
Advice/Last Words?
Who knew on your wrist you could fit a whole pound of diamonds?
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