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Burnout: Brotherly Love

The Waffle Squad hits Philly for a little hang time and some demo gold

20160720 0001Started out at this thing. Classic bootski.

20160720 0002Meet 'n' Greet at Exit

20160720 0003'What? No, I'm in Phila-DEL-phia ..'

20160720 0004Your prized possession scribbled on here

20160720 0005At least it's the soty!

20160720 0006Solid Mind Field ink. Might as well get the DVD signed too

20160720 0007Yeahhh!

20160720 0008Crockett meets his prospect, Justin Henry, for the first time. I have a feeling this is gonna work out

20160720 0009These guys worked us into their family vacation. Thanks y'all!

20160720 0010Graphics talk

20160720 0011Green-eyed monster

20160720 0012And DFL too. Not bad

20160720 0013Hard not to want to eavesdrop, right?

20160720 0014FA feedback

20160720 0015Lovell contemplates some street pie

20160720 0016Just needed a little mop up

20160720 0017Street talk

20160720 0018Restless youth. Blender DFL

20160720 0019Mindblowing T-shirt

20160720 0020Gilbert pant update: still loose, flowy

20160720 0021Media stars, everywhere

20160720 0022The kind of shirt that gets you kicked out of 9th grade. Remember when Sex Wax shirts were controversial?

20160720 0023Bring your molar, if you got one

20160720 0024Just counting down the days until this whole SOTY reign thing is over

20160720 0025Not that is hurts with the kids

20160720 0026Over to the park

20160720 0027Rocky stairs, lookit

20160720 0028Paine park, going off

20160720 0029Spidey-inspired layback rock slide

20160720 0030Warming it up with the kicker

20160720 0031J Lay grabs it

20160720 0032Justin lofty

20160720 0033Dill vs his fans

20160720 0034
20160720 0035
20160720 0036
20160720 0037Lot of responsibility being the voice of a generation

20160720 0038Meanwhile, his business partner grinds it out

20160720 0039A yin-yang kinda thing, I reckon

20160720 0040And now …. the tricks! Glick with a Nolder slash

20160720 0041Almost got decapped by Dan Lu's BSNBS attempt!

20160720 0042B with that killer front nose

20160720 0043KF Glickty 50

20160720 0044Lip over someone else's mistake

20160720 0045Smooth out to tailslide

20160720 0046Justin drove the nose

20160720 0047The Matt B demo closer! So sick

20160720 0048J Lay, always putting in work (not shown)

20160720 0049Too easy for Glick

20160720 0050Yeah Pat!

20160720 0051Attention turns to the double trouble.

20160720 0052K Walks and the Shredmaster get amongst it

20160720 0053Tyson takes it too

20160720 0054Yes!

20160720 0055The cool down

20160720 0056Gearing up for best trick. This guy took it to the floor!

20160720 0057Ultimately successful. That thing is a killer!

20160720 0058Tony Montgomery!

20160720 0059From here it got deadly

20160720 0060It should be noted, this is probably the shittiest and laziest way to shoot skate photos

20160720 0061
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20160720 0063Ok, let's call it

20160720 0064It got darker and the slams got harder. Lotta heart in Philly. Thanks for having us!