Burnout: Family Stone
Saturday night was the premiere of Volcom's True To This video showcasing the finest achievement among all of their top 'boarders.
Caught up with Louie and Ben in front of the photo wall, checking clips with our very own Ewan Bowman.
The tables get turned on World's Best Dad. Totally natural.
Yep, nailed it.
As stated, this was a video featuring skateboarding, surfing and snowboarding, so there were many new friends to be made at this premier.
But some familiar faces never hurt - the Provosts party on.
Sure, they might look a bit stiff, but that's what being a dad does to you.
Mad heads in the VIP area.
Rowley hooks me up on this Kane/Patterson poach.
Rousing speech by founder Wooly.
Inspirational stuff.
Despite the rain, crowds converging.
Who wore it better?
WBD gets to work. As Volcom's oldest rider, Caswell was primed for a sound bite.
World's Best Premiere, watch it here.
Everyone was there. These bros!
These shutterbugs.
The Duff brothers made it!
I was out in the Ibiza Love Parade tent.
A crush of thirsty humanity.
The Dunc plows through. The place was PACKED!
From here it was all sort of a blur. I think the spirit of the Stone must have overwhelmed me 'cause all I can remember was a swirling melange of high air, high fives and that Stone, that cosmic fuckin' Stone! Needless to say, I came up short on my photo duties. Pretty bummed. But then it hit me: Why don't I just do what my bros in the social media biz do every day and just steal (share?) photos that other people shot? That's a thing, right? Why hadn't I thought of this before???!!!
Hammeke party imagery
With that said, here's Hambone's pictures. This was gonna work out fine! Speeches before the movie starts.
Hammeke party imagery
Technical industry secrets revealed!
Hammeke Party imagery
Nassim and friends. Wow!
Hammeke Party Imagery
Ry Rey busted out a party sweater. Looks like it worked.
Hammeke Party Imagery
'And then I was like, and then she was like, and then I was all ...'
Hammeke Party Imagery
Ginger joke here.
Hammeke Party Imagery
Whatever these two are talking about, it's gotta be gnarly.
Hammeke Party Imagery
Loy and Karl, by a nose.
Hammeke Party Imagery
OC Cruiser
From there I went straight for the #truetothis #hashtags. Before I knew it, my work was done! No wonder CNN fired all their photojournalists. This is way easier. #sharingisnotstealing #foshofoshofosho
What? I didn't even see these dudes! Naawwsty!
Steve Black knows a thing or two about a night out in the OC.
The first of many Sheckler shots. Nice to see he still has time for the bros.
So THAT'S what it looked like in there.
There was a photo booth?? Where was I?
Dr Dave, about to give Greyson a beard adjustment.
I heard it was more like 5000!
Babes, everywhere.
Don't remember seeing these bros there, but the hashtags don't lie.
Hardflip Carlos met up with the Berrics' Josiah Gatlyn, lookin' burl!
The ocean halfpipe stuff is AMAZING.
I should just hire @windowseatpictures next time. He nailed it.
That's why we hired him, @guanmu.
OMG, me too!
All the photos from the event are for sale up on @aikacollective, jus sayin'
Sheckler was the must-have photo of the night, for sure.
@desireemoore takes a break from emailing to cut loose with the #PNW crew. Nice!
Sick shot @joelmontecalvo!
Killer smiles!
These bros!
You can always count on @doubledunc to get to the meat of the matter.
Unorthodox aerialists Greyson and C Blair.
Whatever, pervert.
The group shot I missed. Thanks @response_dist!
Wait a second, maybe this one is better.
Yep, good times indeed! Sorry I zorched out. Congrats Volcom bros! Thanks #hashtaggers! You saved my life!
Burnout: Best Year Ever-2009
Here's a wrap up of 2009 from Burnout. -
Burnout: Awash
Here's the final chapter on Burnout's trip to Houston with the Habitat crew. Make sure to watch the video at the end—tight. -
Burnout: Spine Time
Burnout has a little spine time with the 2008 SOTY on the second-to-last day of his reign. -
Burnout: A Christian Nation
Burnout went to Houston, Texas with the Habitat bros. -
Burnout: Gig Relief
Burnout provides a few gems to start out your week.