Burnout: K Walks Day 2018
It was 113 degrees, but that didn’t keep the Oklahoma City skaters from coming out to shred hard and stack cans for a good cause. Yee-haw!
Showing up with pallets! You got one raffle ticket per can. Some people weren’t taking any chances
Riding ‘em in!
Core Skateshop and the Walker fam running the can tent!
Canned AF!
Vienna sausages?! Are you SURE you want give those up?
Tickets for days. We had so much stuff to give out thanks to REAL, Vans and Shake Junt
A family affair
Double fisted!
Surprised this lil buddy didn’t just dive into those sliced carrots on the ride over!
Thanks y’all
Can babes
And the man of the hour … and his daddy. Thanks Walkers!
Always time for the kids
Suitable for autographing
After and before
Scrappy Walker holds court in the shade
Onto the course. Is it hot our here or what???
Oh yeah!
Didn’t slow the locals
Bump to bar got barraged!
Regular OKC visitor Clive Dixon was with the crew. Nollie flip 50
Good ol’ nollie crooks
Kicky board? No problem-o
Half Cab in, backside 180 out. You seen it
Yung Salk with the frontal bluntal
Nosegrind so tight, gotta wear shades
Barley attack from Stetson!
Better believe there was some biggie out
Hammers come early - half-cab kf 50!
Local legend Dirty with the kicky crooks
Then Clive takes it to the big bar (of course)
The other Walker - Clint slices a front blunt fakie
Robbie “Chip” Brockel – heelflipping in
Hardflip, aired out
Competent hipsmanship
Slow and low. Better safe than sorry
Good ol’ grasser
Later, at the big one …
Absolutely scorching
Chip couldn’t make this heelflip 50 work
When in doubt, grab it out!
Remember this name: Malachi Toflyblaylock
Trust me
Never complying, this guy
No waiting in the big bowl
Not ever
Girlfriend grip
Taco chillin’
What are you guys talking about? Mike Yousefpour?
Smartest family at the whole event
Camera talk
Never seen this grouping before … but I’m down
Starting to shade out. Sorta
Pretty pleasant, actually
And now … the big raffle!
Hella shit to give away
Grab your tickets, boys!
The OG Kyle Walker won a … Real Kyle Walker board. Funny how that worked out, right?
The angles!
Customize it
Two KOTR sticker sheets later …
Never forget
Frontside view of the dude with the Monster ink
And then … and old K Walks Day tradition …
The Great Squirt Gun Race!
All a blur
Racing for a product pile
Near misses
VanVark, bringing the heat!
Late Larrys
And then they were gone
Water balloon to the eyeball
Still got those Vans tho!
But for some, the battle had just begun
Moist and dangerous
Clive was ready
Salk took the brunt of it
Easy target
Some dudes were just asking for it
And because we still had more shit to give out .. the final product toss!
Good natured scuffle
This guy got the board
Cooling it down
The Cherry/ Shanahan Effect hits the heartland
Shit, looks like it’s working
Thanks for coming, everybody
Down for Lifers …
Houston’s finest …
The grilled ..
Yep, thanks Mark
See y’all next year
Hold the park down for us!

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