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Burnout: Raven Rules

Warm up day.

Burnout: Raven Rules

That is, if your idea of a warm-up is a padless corner ollie.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Sam Beckett, from the UK.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Miller, padded up.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Raven's been working on his table-topped backside airs.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Mathias - all the egg variations.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Not in the comp, but still in the air.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Pedro, in the power corner.

Burnout: Raven Rules

A cautionary tale for not looking through the viewfinder, but I kind of like it.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

On to the ring of fire. SOTYs, everywhere.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Lil' stale, not bad.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Kickflip. Cole is the king of good sports.

Burnout: Raven Rules

You know Grant likes fire.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Meanwhile, in the cradle, Beckett gets into it.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Then shit got weird.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Contest day, Miller lofts lakadasically.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Langi steps up ...

Burnout: Raven Rules

and off.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Everyone keeps pointing out the cradle to Miller.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

As if he'd missed it.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Ollie grind.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Big-Air Pedro.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Breaking down the finer points for the street dogs.

Burnout: Raven Rules

No, take your time. Really.

Burnout: Raven Rules

First up - the wee-bowl comp.

Burnout: Raven Rules
Stratt-O caffeinates the children.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Spokesmodels, ready.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Lensmen, ready.

Burnout: Raven Rules

And begin. Miller seemed stymied by the bowl's smaller dimensions.

Burnout: Raven Rules
Raven went straight to work. Feeble the seat.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Taylor Bingaman.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Scando legend - Nicky Guerrero.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Rune had no problems blasting.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Grant - hip mastery.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Choppy O!

Burnout: Raven Rules

Finally, the main event.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Rune skies it - injured knee, deep in administrative duties, blasting nevertheless.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Oop cab 5-0.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Totally missed Pedro's cradle attack. Check the vid.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Body jar.

Burnout: Raven Rules

And then just as things were getting good, a driving rain.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Look! A rainbow!

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules


Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Glimpses of Penny.


Burnout: Raven Rules

Dutchmen, everywhere.

Burnout: Raven Rules

These dudes would decide the winner.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Game on.

Burnout: Raven Rules

The Manwich on the hip.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Taylor has an oop frontside invert.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Indy 540 attempt. Next time.

Burnout: Raven Rules
Many were puzzled by Alex's 4th place finish - what with those NBD cradle moves and face-high indy 360s. Fuck it, dude.

Burnout: Raven Rules
Miller, preparing for blast-off. 

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules


Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules
Fuckin' A.

Burnout: Raven Rules
Raven, high speed oop 5-0. Once he got the fakie ollie corner nosegrind he had it in the bag.

Burnout: Raven Rules
Totally going for it.

Burnout: Raven Rules
Runes tosses the obligatory 540 attempts for the crowd. No dice, but a great showing. 

Burnout: Raven Rules

Waiting for results. The anticipation was maddening.

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Burnout: Raven Rules

Yep. Raven rules. Thanks, Copenhagen.