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Burnout: The Arts

After weeks of working on the show, having everything on the walls was a little overwhelming.

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts
Stories on every inch.

Burnout: The Arts
Dinner break.

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts
Got back to the show just in time to see Ali Mills in mid-Pushead freakout!

Burnout: The Arts
mad heads

Burnout: The Arts
Roberto browsing

Burnout: The Arts
long-lost workmates

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts
Swank and Regan dig into Del Mar memories

Burnout: The Arts

More questions than answers.

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts
Jay Smiles, of Bust or Bail scorp fame!

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts
Legends of Thrash - Blackhart and Stecyk

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts
Mofo - still blowing minds 30 years later

Burnout: The Arts
Don't go up there!

Burnout: The Arts
Ryan Henry ain't scared.

Burnout: The Arts
Party time kicks in

Burnout: The Arts

Burnout: The Arts
Hey! That's more like it!

Burnout: The Arts
Then the cops showed up.