Burnout: Yacht Rock
Our luxury digs in Split.
Russian robber barons, everywhere.
Can I have your cookie?
Fitting right in.
Tree options in the parking lot.
Easy Peasey.
Day trip!
Fitness peer pressure.
A healthy thing, really.
Our sherpa, the other Gio. Thanks, dude!
When you're on these trips you often soon lose grasp of where exactly you are. Does this help?
Hmm. Something's missing.
Ok, there we go.
Fantastical plazas.
Pfanner, ollieing everything in sight.
Tit-high bar options.
This guy.
Gunning for an Oscar.
Somehow they reached detente.
This little guy was talking mad shit, too.
So close to victory.
Fuhhhh .....
Burnout: Best Year Ever-2009
Here's a wrap up of 2009 from Burnout. -
Burnout: Awash
Here's the final chapter on Burnout's trip to Houston with the Habitat crew. Make sure to watch the video at the end—tight. -
Burnout: Spine Time
Burnout has a little spine time with the 2008 SOTY on the second-to-last day of his reign. -
Burnout: A Christian Nation
Burnout went to Houston, Texas with the Habitat bros. -
Burnout: Gig Relief
Burnout provides a few gems to start out your week.