Chaz Ortiz's "Metropolis" Photos
Every photo has a story. Here are some shots from Chaz’s video part with a lil’ extra anecdotal info.
Photos and words by Sean Cronan
Last spot and last trick of our two-week Barcelona mission. We had been to this spot (which is directly in front of a high school) earlier in the trip, but the guys were over it once school let out and the courtyard was overrun by hundreds of teenagers. A peaceful Sunday afternoon during siesta was all Chaz needed to get this 360 flip
The famed Disney rail in Chicago is not for the faint of heart. You definitely don’t want to end up going over the side at this spot. Chaz overcomes his fears with a gnarly front blunt
If you know me, you know that this is one of my least favorite spots in the world. Every time we go to Miami we end up at this spot for hours at a time. In those many hours I have seen multiple car accidents, full-on fist fights, people getting robbed, countless police chases and a whole lot of amazing skateboarding. Actually, maybe it's not such a bad spot after all
This rail in Houston, TX, is way out in the sticks. We made our way out here straight off the plane to go skate a completely different rail and just happened to stumble upon this beauty after making a wrong turn. Sometimes things have a way of working out. 50-50
This bump is super hard to skate: it's really narrow and slightly lumpy which makes getting a good pop really difficult. Most skaters that check out this spot don’t even bother to taking their boards out of the car. Chaz clears the crust from his eyes with an early-morning backside flip in Bed-Stuy
A last-minute ferry ride to NY’s most overlooked borough was all it took for Chaz to get down on this perfect rail. Noseblunt slide on Staten Island
Initially we headed to this spot in Barcelona thinking that Ron Deily would get something going on the banks. When that didn’t pan out, Chaz started hucking off this wall. It took a while to get it since there was only enough room for one push, but Chaz got it in the end. Kickflip
This was the third day in a row going to this spot: the first day Chaz’s board went into the water, the second day we got kicked out by the cops, but on the third day the bike cop that rolled up was cool and told Chaz to "Get it." Third time's a charm. Nosegrind, Chicago seawall
With a nod to his Canadian fans, Chaz puts down a proper lazer on an out-of-the-way Chicago double set
This rail is known as Cole-Taylor and it's out past O’Hare, deep in the suburbs of Chicago. Not what most would consider to be an ideal first spot of the day on an early Saturday morning, but luckily Chaz isn’t like most people. This is by far one of the gnarlier back tails that I have ever shot
Once Chaz got the back tail, we checked the footage and he said, “ I’m going to kickflip back lip it.” And he ran up the stairs and did it first try. One and done
We hit up this spot right after a demo in Shanghai. There was essentially no run-up to these stairs and the local kids said that no one had ever ollied them. And it's possible that nobody has yet to ollie them because Chaz went straight for the 360 flip
DGK's "Amen" Video
The DGK camp comes through swingin' with standout sections from Collin Slew, Marquise Henry and Nick Diaz before Brian Reid rules the streets of Boston. -
RIP IN PEACE: Thomas Taylor
Thomas Taylor was a giant in the Atlanta scene and provided a blueprint for how to live the fullest life as a skateboarder. From his pro career to building a family and fostering the community through his Stratosphere shop, he is remembered by everyone he touched. Read closely as his loved ones reflect on his incredible ride. -
Uprise's "Giardiniera" Video
Local Chicago lensman G shines a new light on the Windy City as he scours the avenues with Chaz Ortiz, Timmy Johnson and more from Uprise. -
Chaz Ortiz's Favorite Flatground Trick
Chaz shows you in the smoothest possible way, why backside 360s are his favorite flatground trick. -
Chaz Ortiz Rides Rapido Urethane
Chaz Ortiz introduces Rapido, Ricta's most balanced formula for maximum speed and smooth control.