Chet Childress

by Schmitty
So what’s been going on lately?
Well, right now I’m at the airport. I’m on my way to England, Germany and maybe France, with Jason Adams and Adam Alfaro and some other Black Label nerds.
How was the trip across country with Rhino and Loaf? What were some highlights?
Oh man, it was bitchin’, dude. Those dudes can consume more beer then anybody. Rhino drives more then anyone, so I get to be a complete retard and just sit in the car. It was great, man. We ended up skating more than 30 pools—parks, ditches, and just crazy shit. No rain and no cops for three weeks, and Preston’s bad breath. It was cool, I can’t complain. We got tons of shit done. It was fun.
What’s the story behind “Crooked Arm?”
When I was born, on my right arm my two bones are grown together into one bone. You really can’t tell unless you know me. It’s just something to laugh and make jokes about. Dave Carnie wrote something in some magazine and it kind of just stuck.
Does it prevent you from doing certain grabs?
Yeah. I can’t turn my arm a certain way. My old man was trying to hand me some logs one time to carry and I couldn’t turn my wrist over a certain way, so I can’t grab stalefish. But who gives a flying fuck. I’d love to be able to do it, but at this point I’d have to get an extended arm to do that shit. I could get laser surgery; but hey, no thank you.
What’s your favorite skatepark?
I don’t really have a favorite skatepark. I think the shit that is going down in Oregon and Washington is the shit. Grindline and Dreamland, those two guys are building the sickest shit out. Their parks are my favorite parks. I got my local spot in Wilmington, NC, called the Skatebarn. It’s fun too.
What do you enjoy outside of skateboarding?
I enjoy drawing, cruising around on my bike, hanging out with my old lady, drinking, partying, having a good time. Rock and roll. I love cooking too.
What do you like to cook?
Oh man, I can make spaghetti, lasagna, tacos. I ain’t no vegetrendian, but I try to cook all healthy stuff. I got some good recipes.
What would you tell someone who was going to NC for the first time?
You need to go to Wilmington or Raleigh or the mountains, because the rest of the state is dead. I’d say go to Wilmington, ’cause we got some shit to skate and everyone is pretty down to earth there. The chicks speak in southern accents.
Lien disaster-just do it! Photo: Rhino
That’s a turn on?
Yeah, to some people. It kind of floats their boat.
Old hanger or the outdoor one?
Oh man, that’s a weird question. I’d say probably the old one. I’ve seen some crazy shit go down. Old one, new one—it’s all cool. I don’t really go down there that much anymore. I used to go down there a lot when I was a kid. Dudes are still skating it though. I’d say both, they’re both cool.
Why is P-Stone the best filmer to tour around with? Give me your best P-Stone story?
Oh man, I got too many stories to tell. Dude won’t go to sleep. Then he falls asleep with a beer in one hand and a burger in the other. We got photos to prove it. The coolest thing about Preston and Rhino is that they’re just free floating spirits. Preston’s the best; you go on a trip with him and the dude doesn’t complain. He’s just down. He can drink all day, film or skate all day, and go all night and he won’t complain about it. If you tell him he is going to sleep outside, he’ll be like “Oh, that’s good for my back.” We got to sleep with some ravers that listen to disco music all night? He’ll be like “That’s cool, good for my brainwaves.” He’ll come up with some answer that makes every situation awesome. He’s also an awesome tour guide. I’ve been to Europe with him two or three trips and I love it because I can be mindless. He’ll get us around and he can communicate with anyone. He’s really good at it.
What’s your drink of choice?
Southern Comfort on ice. So-Co.
How’s the new company working out with Jason Adams?
Sick man. Stoked! Jason and Lucero are my bosses. They’re just letting me do what I want and be me, letting me skate, providing me a new place to be. It’s great when your boss is your buddy because we are on the same brainwaves. I’m not dealing with anymore old dudes that are sitting in the office counting stairs. I’m dealing with my buddy that knows how I skate and what I do, and is completely content with it. It works out way to my advantage. I don’t have to listen to anymore corporate goons telling me how to skate.
What would your dream session be?
There are too many dudes that you can get in there. Dream session…I don’t know. Any of the crew—throw Drehobl in there, Preston, Rhino, my roommate Gut, my brother Clint, the Cold Crew. Any of the raw dogs—Senn, Jason, Hewitt, Cardiel, Sam Hitz, Tony, the whole Six Guns thing. Throw us all in a van and send us to skateparks. But I don’t know, there are too many answers for that one. All the gnar dogs.
Where at? Louisville?
I don’t know. Louisville is sick, but I’m more into Oregon because some of those parks, no one is around so you can drink some brews and picnic all day.
What do you hope to do this summer?
I’m just going to go on some Black Label tours, doing some stuff for Nike, hopefully hooking up on some crazy trip and plan some time in Oregon. I got plans to move to San Jose in September or October. I’m going to move out there for a year and just change it up. Me and my old lady are going to move out there. I’ll be psyched. So I can just skate with the Kid, come up and skate with you guys and all the new parks. Fresno is only like two hours away, The City is 45 minutes away, and Oregon is only like six hours. So I can’t wait to get out there and get on some shit.
Want to list your sponsors?
Oh, hell yeah! Anyone that is giving me money I want them to get there’s. I’m psyched on all my sponsors for supporting me; it’s Six Guns, Independent, Nike, 1984, NC Skates, Smith, and anyone I forgot. They are all killer ’cause they support what I do.
Last words?
Get a crew, grab some rock and roll music, get on the road, and start skating.
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