Chicken's Bowl Sesh Photos
With some of the best bowl skaters in the world lurking around Huntington Beach this week, Red Bull hosted a jam at Chicken’s backyard bowl. The session was streaming live, the energy drinks were flowing and Thrasher was on hand to shoot some photos. —Joe Hammeke
Chicken has one of the most extensive board collections in existence
Here he shows Tom Curran one of the first scooters ever made
There it is—Chicken’s pool, since '91
Right away Mike Rogers comes through with the front rock
Ffej is about to turn 50 but he still gets upside down. Age is meaningless
“Hey, it’s sugar free"
Alex Sorgente fires up a back Smiths through the corner
Chris Russell, frontside invert with his hand over the deathbox
Next up, a feeble grind along the roundwall
Robin Bolian placed 2nd at the last VDI stop. Here he is boosting a huge Madonna for the love, not the judges
Nora Vasconcellos with her fave, kickflip back D
Dune with the hard hitting questions: “So who’s your favorite skater?”
“Um, I’m kinda into this boy named Daniel Vargas”
Sandro showed up for a few grinds
Then Alex Sorgente did a half cab blunt fakie in the deathbox.
Bo Mitchell was there, keeping Richie Valdez company while he filmed the live webcast
Brazil was in the house. Or at least outside the house
Heimana Reynolds showed up and brought an eggplant with him
Joey Brezinski, “fired-up” the grill
Chris Russell on the sidewall with a slob fastplant
Murilo Peres was charging hard all evening, hauling ass over the many blocks of coping
Ryan Decenzo lives so damn close he probably could have skated over. FSA
Sorgente gave it one last pump of gas and pulled this kickflip indy and the session was a wrap

RDS "Enter the Red Dragon" video
If you missed it when it first dropped, here's your chance to see the Decenzos, Papa, McEntire and the whole RDS crew in "Enter the Red Dragon." You're gonna need a couple of cold ones 'cause this things full-length and full throttle. -
Five Sequences: 08.26.2016
Hammeke comes through with this week's five sequences of Corey Millet, Ryan Decenzo, Yoshi Tanenbaum, Patrick Ryan, and Tre Williams. -
Rye's Guys: Episode 1
Crailtap has a new series started with Jr Lensman, Rye Beres, and all his little bowl buddies whose names start with an R. Hopefully this won't be the last one. -
Ryan Decenzo's "Enter the Red Dragon" Part
When a video part opens up at The ‘Berg you know the rest is gonna be heavy. Ryan is a wrecking ball, and the Red Dragons are in good hands... -
Bust or Bail: Cinco de Slow-Mo
Clearing the triple requires a high-speed attack, but here's a look into Bust or Bail from a much slower perspective.