Alexis Lacroix, skier 50-50After more than a decade, the city of Copenhagen still holds surprises for the global skate scene. Arto reports from the field.

Starting off with a little culture, we check out some art at the Nikolaj Kunsthal Comtemporay Art center. Ishod in the ring of fire hints at the mayhem that lies in the days ahead

Flattered to make the wall with a few words

Master Fatman, a philosopher if there ever was one

Oh yeah, there was skating in the museum too. This is CPH, after all. Thomas Dritsas catches a crook

Stoked to see some of the best to ever touch a board: Stefan, Elissa, BA and Rune

Enough stallin', we had to get to business under the bridge. Also glad to see a smilin' Hugo Boserup right away

Don’t go chasin’ waterfalls, unless you got a picture-perfect frontside nosegrind like Hugo

Pad-free on the concrete with a sweet tooth, Jimmy Wilkins sends a sugarcane across the lip

The man looks good with the classic oval

What’s a Jimmy appearance without a little hangtime? Not as good as one with, probably. Backside ollie

Let’s hope the deck holds…

Next up, Chris Russell plants one on the roof

Art ain’t just for the gallery walls

Sick clouds

Demo staples—a stacked deck of photographers catching flying fish

Also the crowd-pleasing FSA is a necessity

The artist at work along with just one of his many adoring fans

“I can't pronounce his name!”

The shade’s nice, but we gotta get some sun. Alexis “Ooohhh Yyyeeeaaahhh” Lacroix breaks in the slider curb with a no-footed 50-50

Cyrus treated the scene to a high-speed back tail

And Louie had the need for speed too. After his boardslide combo we had to get over to the red plaza

Ishod starts the show with a front crook

Close behind on the escalator, Nyjah goes back nosegrind

Uh oh, Felipe Nunes made it out. Looks like it’s gonna rain hammers

See? Right out the gate with a 270 flip over the hip

Landsled tag team, Roman holds rail while Evan grabs tail

Messy weekend indeed

Gio puts down an Omar Hassan classic, hail-mary heelflip grab

Some of Flip’s finest, Deacon and Luan

Good to see Ali Boulala and Dustin Dollin

Lui takes a break from stackin’ the Story clips to get a few rips of his own

Karsten cooks a front crook

Picturesque public plazas and world-class art museums are great and all, but have you ever thought about skating a Danish prison? Me niether, but it happened

'Jah doesn’t need to warm up, he just goes straight for the front shove nosegrind

He’s also happy to see Deedz get his back with a front blunt

Milou skips the flat with a lofty kickflip

The cargo bike can be a car, a wagon or the perfect perch to watch the show

Tractor tires also work

Heitor Da Silva joins the action, back Smithing in the yard

Foy brings the form with this proper heelflip

Then Evan closes the show with a frontside flip

Jail sucks; let’s get outta here

This three-block rail was put in just for the occasion. Who better to spark it than the pinch god himself, Jamie Foy?! Front crook

At least one person has to flip over on the round bar. Sorry, Art

Still thankful Tom woke me up to go skate

It’s all love at CPH

Back to the action, Art Cordova got up and held the front blunt to the bottom. Now let’s see some bowl burning

Over in Rune’s pool we got to see Madonna in the deep end

And what’s a pond without a fish? Keegan Palmer gets it

My guy just needs a second to hydrate, then you'll see how it's really done

Liam Pace whips an Indy 540

Keep on truckin’, with these gas prices?! Caroline Duerr fully decks the front rock

There here is! FSO, as good as it gets

Followed by The Muscle trying to smash the sun, FSA

Lui helps Kieran Woolley keep the Swoosh clean on this frontside invert

Keep the moon, Denmark’s got the ramp. Let’s take a walk to see the stars

Hey, Louie!

Koston and Koston came through

Karsten and Ville catch up at the rehydration station

The visionary behind Polar and Last Resort, Pontus Alv

Last up before we head inside, I had to get a photo of Ville with Ellington

Another one down, Roman Pabich gets grounded

Simon Bannerot sends a mute grab over our guys Mason, Ryan and Louie

Milou kickflip frontside wallride

Funa Nakayama front crook pop out

And back outside we have a classic obstacle for any European jam, the rail into bank. Nyjah swiftly sends a backside NBS to the bottom

The next day we had to take a breather from the crowds and stack in the streets. This flat gap was the perfect spot for our ambitions. Evan Smith kickflips over the cobblestones, no problem

Quick break to admire the stonework

And then we’re back to the bangers, Luan skips the street with massive backside flip

And GT lofted the rare backside shove

Psychodro takes the Ragdoll method

And gets his due props. Sorry, Evan, you’ll have to wait

Game respect game, P-Rod and GT

Hey, Frank!

By this time, just about everyone was cashed and desperately needed to slow down. So I hopped on a side mission to the music studio with some notable double threats

Warmin' up the ones and twos

Not skippin’ a beat, Austyn grabs a bass

Analog, baby, like the clothing company Stefan rode for

Speaking of, the guy’s got a few moves on the ol’ six string

And we’ve got a band! Probably on the jazzier end

Don’t even talk to me until I’ve played my morning sax solo

The minor chord before the major lift

This bass line walks in Chelsea boots. And talkin' about walkin', let’s head out to see what’s happening over at the spa

Not gonna lie, that’s not the
best sign….

Also seems a little sketchy

But if Russell ain't worried, then I’m sure it’s fine!

Alec Majerus keeps the cap on during a sweat session

Do as the Danes do

Basically the same as grilling onions. Let’s get some air

Hey, it’s the hemmie!

Always a pleasure to see
Skaters in Love, Axel and Lizzie

Stefan and William came to unwind too

When you've got it all figured out

Habitat royalty Tim O’Connor and Stefan get snapped up with their friend

"Yeah, we were both in
And they’re still pals

What, you thought Chris Russell would just dip his toe in?

The decisive moment

It wouldn’t be CPH without a Kevin White photo

Ish got all hopped up

He’s probably just hyped on the star treatment, or
Gas Giants treatment

No people in the painting, that’s kinda sad

Let’s leave on a high note, like P-Rod takin’ a sip of somethin’ with his friends Tim and Stefan

Or actually, photo of Gary throwin’ peace is perfect. See you next year, everyone