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Homies' "Fun Raiser" Premiere Photos

Hearing the Homies' first full-length was premiering at Kombu Sushi in Silverlake, I imagined a night of California rolls, gyoza, and seaweed salad flying around in unlimited supply. This was going to be one of the classiest premieres ever! Then I remembered Rye’s more of the chicken-nugget-and-mac-n-cheese kind of guy. Yet even though we weren’t catered to with endless raw fish, it was still an amazing night for everyone in attendance. And plus, we did get free sake. Check the photos to see who was lucky enough to celebrate in style. —Alex Papke

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 1Starting things off the right way with Manch

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 2In the VIP section, we have the 2020 SOTY dinner party, still going strong after all of those summertime Slovenian spritzes

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 3Taking it to the pre-party, Rye brought the necessary hype for his big night

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 4Can’t forget mom and dad

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 5In case you couldn’t find them, Dylan was bogarting all of the drink tickets for himself

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 6Townley and D-Vargs. definitely Homies—pictured here with their plus-ones Delaney and Tessa

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 7Nothing better than a family photo. Tyson and Dawn with a little taste of Neckface

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 8Everyone was allotted a strict plus one. Pedro decided to use his to invite longtime homie Micky Papa

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 9Sake might not be a traditional party drink, but when the portions are this big Jaden and Dayana had no choice but to say yes

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 10If you’re a picky eater like Gray and sushi isn’t your thing, fret not—burgers were next door

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 11Roman would have done just about anything to get his hands on Shealy’s drink tickets. Don’t spend ‘em all in one place

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 12Too late, that’s what happens when they give you last part

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 13Kirby was smart and kept his tucked away

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 14Cedric Pabich: a certified homie with his eyes on the prize. Roman still has some work to do on his roll-up game

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 15As expected, bathroom lines were hectic

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 16But some mystery pissers couldn’t hold it and were forced to get creative

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 17And to our surprise, it was none other than Kevin Bækkel himself

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 18Wes and Gregson jumped in Rhino’s van from SD for the two-hour drive up, followed by the two-hour drive back. All for the Homies

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 19The Homies were never-ending at this thing. Poppy, Aimee, Buffy and Nicole can’t say no to a skate premiere with free beer

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 20Christian Henry and Gage Boyle, both caught matching with a little something special coming from a friend of ours very soon

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 21Even though sushi has very few good vegan options, that didn’t stop Kenny from coming through. Joined here by my new favorite Brit on vacation, Conor Charleson

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 22Last I left it, Wheatley was up a clean $200

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 23As the beers kept coming out, Ryan Lee kept putting them down

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 24Don’t believe me? Ask Jake Anderson

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 25A Diesel Degenerates reunion, all thanks to Ethan, Walsh and Jake

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 26When it dips below 60 in LA, Ishod brings out the gloves

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 27ATL minus GT. Photog Bailey Schreiner with longtime homie Shane Farber

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 28As you can tell, Marius and Peters weren’t slowing down anytime soon

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 29Bedazzled as ever, Davey Sayles

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 30Alright, looks like we got a full house. Time to start this thing up

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 31Ronnie had to get out of the limelight before Rye got ahold of the mic

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 32Coming a long way from Boneless zine, let’s see what you got cooking up, Rye

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 33When you have clips of Pedro Delfino like this, it’s a guaranteed banger

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 34 And from the looks of it, the crowd agrees


HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 36But it wouldn’t be Rye’s big night without a cake to the face!

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 37After that one, Nick Green knew Rye deserved it

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 38A quick pause to get a photo with Frank

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 39And right back to the action. Need to make this one into a t-shirt

HOMIES PREMIER PAPKE 40And just like that, I stepped on a bunch of cake and knew that it was my cue to get the hell out of there. If you were as hungover as most of these guys and have no recollection of this one, fear not! Catch up on the FUN RAISER playing on this very site as we speak. Shoutout, all the Homies!