King of the Road Season 2: Premiere Photos
Season 2 of Thrasher’s King of the Road starts Thursday on Viceland, but if you were lucky enough to be in Hollywood and get the invite, there was a sneak preview last night. This year is going to be even heavier, and to quote KOTR creator Michael Burnett, “This year every team tried really really hard.” After watching the episode, that was more than apparent—full of the ridiculous challenges on and off the board that KOTR is famous for. Each of the teams accomplished things they never thought were possible. —Joe Hammeke
The Vista Theater on Sunset BLVD
Ewan Bowman wires up KOTR host Andy Roy. “Feel free to put your hand in my pocket”
Andy Roy…
…rolling out…
…the red carpet
Mystery guest for Enjoi, Samarria Brevard, and her boo…
…were immediately interrogated by Andy about the trials and tribulations of KOTR
Viceland filmer and skateboarding media legend Rick Kosick. Rick’s crew was with the Enjoi team this year
Andy sees the Deathwish team approaching…
…and jumps out of the bushes, shocking Neen Williams’ girlfriend, Jess
Let’s get some interviews!
Deathwish TM Jay Thorpe and Neen Williams get the red-carpet treatment
Jake Hayes on what it’s like to be Australian
Kader Sylla, Dalton Newbury, Marco DeLeo and Seven Strong, the future of skateboarding is lookin' good
Kader takes the role of youth spokesman
While Creature’s Sean Conover has his dog Tegan answer his questions
Last year’s KOTR Toy Machine team rookie, Axel Crysberghs, reaches out to admire Andy’s slick hairdo
Ryan Townley, Ant Travis, Joey Ragali, Daniel Vargas and Alex Papke
Daniel Vargas and his lady get cornered
Samarria getting that Instagram photo handled
KOTR creator Michael Burnett introduces the next episode
It’s on!
Full of baffling challenges
Chocolate’s Kenny Anderson and Roger Bagley of The Nine Club
Afterwards, the crowd spilled onto Sunset Blvd
Frankie Heck gives it two thumbs up
If you’ve seen a Bronson video, these guys filmed it: Gavin Denike and Dan Stolling
Steve Hernandez and his vote for who’s gonna win
Lenoce approved
Deathwish head honcho Erik Ellington and KCDC’s Amy Gunther
Of course Andy’s gonna get Ellington on the mic
Epicly Later'd and Thrasher alumn Pat O’dell has a few ideas for next year’s challenges
KOTR power trio: Viceland’s Lauren Cynamon, Antihero’s Andy Roy, and Thrasher’s Michael Burnett
After party at Black Hollywood, Ant Travis and Beagle front and center
Bethany Black pours a Chelada
“It’s the Flaming Hot Cheetos of beer.” —Neckface
Photos for the upcoming Thrasher magazine article were hung on the walls. Ant Travis and Ed Duff laugh at Andy Roy in a hula skirt
Last call and Desiree Moore grabs a photo of the Enjoi team off the wall. Thanks to all the teams and everybody showed up to the premier—and thanks Thrasher for the free bar tab! Tune in Thursday for Episode one on Viceland. Thrasher webisodes start next Tuesday and, as always, are free

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