Independent's "Dolphin Pool" Photos
The Dolphin Pool was skated back in the early '90s by only a few SD heavy hitters. It used to be a 15-minute barge because an older lady lived there and would call the cops. Fast forward to 2016, the pool has been re-plastered and the house is now rented to college kids. I convinced them to let me drain it by promising a ton of beer and paying for the water bill to fill it back up. I also said I'd bring a heavy crew of Indy riders to their backyard and threw out the old, "I guarantee the pool will not get damaged." We got a one-day session behind the landlord’s back and it was the coolest campus party ever. You should have been there. Just ask Roman; it was his birthday! —Rhino
It was 11am when I set up the pump
By 7pm it was empty and ready for the following day
Jerry and Pedro setting the tone for the festivities
Jerry, backside boneless
Josh Borden, tailslide over the steps
Not the typical setting for Hewitt to skate in, body jar
Frat pool party, Gregson goes shirtless with a stalefish
The college kids were in awe!
Blood Wizardry showing the students how to really party
Borden tosses up a Madonna
Gregson, front blunt
Chicks dig cameras. Wes trying to get some digits
Hewitt, eggplant
Birthday boy Roman Pabich, frontside invert
Cedric, crail to tail
Big FSO by Roman
Winkowksi and Cope didn't really know what was going on
But it didn’t stop Cope from killing the pool
The pool is a good one. Cedric, Indy air
Jerry brought the party, hyping up the shotguns
Hewitt dropped this invert back in to fakie. Fill 'er back up and we're out!

Burnout: Last Run!
Final session at Brighton’s ramp with the pros and bros gathering for a farewell schralp. -
Antihero's "The Body Corporate" Premiere Photos
Antihero premiered their hotly-anticipated latest camping trip flick very close to it's source – the alley behind Rick and Buddy's. On sale soon! -
Portugal Leftovers
Portugal with Grant, Pedro, and Hewitt, before the Spitfire trip started. -
Thrash and Burn: Yardsale
When you're on the road for three weeks with the Spitfire team, a lot shit happens—and it all adds up to one great yardsale. -
Thrash and Burn: Hamburg to Rotterdam
More epic spots and epic skating with the Spitfire team. Hamburg and Rotterdam have the goods, and we finally get shut down at the end of the road with a 30-year storm.