Globe EU Snake Session
Next week Globe Europe will be hosting it's first invitational shop vs. shop mini ramp contest at their head office in the South West of France. Mark Appleyard will be heading across the pond to join the other judges for an evening of madness… 10 Skate shop teams flying in from 10 different EU countries battling it out on the office mini for their chance to win 2000 Euros!
Krook3d Spring Refresher
Krooked's spring refresher is here, check out the Shmoo Duex series, lImited edition Gonz board and the new Krook3d trailer with Brad Cromer. -
Jaws Independent Footage
Just when you thought you saw enough of Jaws this week Independent brings you some more sick footage. -
Don't Miss It!
Oj has a new trailer for their upcoming video. -
Black Label Crew at PHXAM
Black Label put up a clip of their guys at Phoenix Am last weekend. -
Ambiguous OC Blog
Ambiguous has a new blog post up with Alex Schmidt skating some OC spots.