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Hoon Run

Put AC/DC and Hoon together and you get one sick clip from Australia.

  • Jake Duncombe's "RDO" Part

    Jake Duncombe's "RDO" Part
    Theeve trucks in conjunction with Arrow wheels and F.S.C. skateboards present Jake Duncombe's RDO part. Check it out.
  • The Making of "Theatrix"

    The Making of "Theatrix"
    Opinions are popular these days and LE's new video created quite a stir. They took risks with their skating, editing and music. Here's the inside scoop behind a wild video.
  • Jake Duncombe's "Theatrix" Part

    Jake Duncombe's "Theatrix" Part
    This dude is just gnarly. Put a board in his hand, point him in any direction, and he'll attack whatever it is in front of him. All terrain, all insane. It's Jake. 
  • LE's "Theatrix" Premiere Photos

    LE's "Theatrix" Premiere Photos
    The LE premiere went off and Ben Karpinski was there to capture the action. Check out some pics here.
  • Hall Of Meat: Jake Duncombe

    Hall Of Meat: Jake Duncombe
    Hella bugs, no room to roll-away, and a kink to the crotch. This was a lousy night for Jake.