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Ian Barry R.I.P.

Yesterday we lost a great person.  Ian "Poods" Barry never put himself first.  He always put everybody before him.  He was the kindest, most genuine person anybody could ever know.  All he ever wanted was for everybody else to be happy.  He made such an impact on everybody he came into contact with.  If you had the chance to meet Ian, you know how great of a person he was.  He loved skateboarding, surfing, motorcycles, friends and family.  He really put his heart into everything.  He was like a brother to me and so many other people, and he will be greatly missed.  We all love you, Ian.  Rest in paradise.  March 30, 1990-September 27, 2012 
—Sean Conover

Photo: Ryan Lusteg 

Photo: Mikey Gould