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Nick Palmquist for Theeve Trucks

Theeve proudly presents Nick Palmquists' latest video part to celebrate the release of his pro model trucks.


  • Nick Palmquist for FKD

    Nick Palmquist for FKD
    Nick Palmquist spends the afternoon ripping the FKD team park. Watch the clip here.
  • Ramshakle Tour Photos

    Ramshakle Tour Photos
    These guys definetly had a fun trip. Check out some photos of the Ramshakle crew on the road from Nic Clark.
  • Ramshakle's "Going Nowhere" Video

    Ramshakle's  "Going Nowhere"  Video
    We didn't know what to expect from this tour vid. But you can't go wrong with a focus on incredible ditch terrain and fun, unique skating.
  • Firing Line: Nick Palmquist

    Firing Line: Nick Palmquist
    Some ledges are designed to be unskateable, but Nick and his snap-flick make a line out of them anyway.
  • Andrew Cannon On Landshark

    Andrew Cannon On Landshark
    Andew Cannon is the newest addition to Landshark Wheels.