Josh Borden's "Born-N-Bred" Part
Some guys just have it like that. Josh skates everything here, but his speed and buttery smooth style are best showcased when he attacks transitions. Long live backyard ramps!
The Ultimate Star Wars Collector
Santa Cruz visits the ultimate Star Wars collector to talk to him about their board series. -
Whalebone's World for Santa Cruz
With the release of Ron Whaley's new Humpback board Santa Cruz is hyped to show you this footy. -
Santa Cruz's "Star Wars Puzzle" Contest
Like puzzles, love Star Wars? Santa Cruz Skateboards has the contest for you. -
Hall Of Meat: Cody Chapman
All sacks hurt but an inner-thigh bash is nothing compared to a direct hit like this. -
Classics: John Cardiel's "Cash Money Vagrant" part
Eman introduces one of OUR own personal favorites. Cardiel destroys like no other. All Hail!