Shota Kubo's "Dogtown" Part
Shota hops from Hawaii to LA with effortless flow, while cranking up the heat on a closer you won’t believe. The Kubo name is synonymous with style.
Mickey O'Keefe's "Dogtown" Part
Mickey makes the most of his westward move, blasting over bump to bars and conquering huge hubbas in LA for Dogtown. -
Derek 'Ghost' Burdette for Dogtown Skateboards
Ghost is still hittin' in LA with hot switch clips for Dogtown. -
Shota Kubo's "Stung" Dogtown Part
Shota’s deep bag of tricks and hunger for new spots take him on a rip from Hawaii to NY. -
Shota Kubo for Bones Bearings
Shota takes his shields off and throws some heat for Bones bearings. -
APB's “Island Fevah” Video
Running from the cops, getting broke off and killin’ their local spots, Hawaii’s APB crew has got it all figured out.