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Weekend at Belco 2022 Photos

Twenty-one years after the inaugural competition, it just doesn’t feel right to call it the “Belco Bowl Jam” anymore—this thing has turned into a three-day rip riot with a huge lineup of Oz’s heaviest, traveling to a place you usually wouldn’t, Canberra. Only banter, we love you, Canberra. Thanks to your legal people for putting up with what was a relatively unannounced mass gathering through the streets of your city, kinda like a bogan/Australian version of Copenhagen Open—Boganhagen. Oh, and the skateboarding—there were cash grabs from arsehole to breakfast, with crews throwing down all over the joint to take their piece. Many kings and queens were crowned over the long weekend but the big one, “Lord of the Bowl,” went to Kieran Woolley, who etched it out with his foot-to-the-floor ripping. The expert judging panel agreed he deserved his title for the second year running. Honorable mentions in the pictures and captions below. —Wade Mclaughlin

 DSC3027Some of the crew rolled into Canberra early enough to hoon a Kambah session before the cash was even flowing. Ryan Helm, stale with a nod to GT

 DSC3038Mashy, frontside dead horse

 DSC2977 Edit“Hey, Kieran, do a backside air”

 DSC2981Nixen Osborne, Marley Rae and Jakob Robinson patiently wait

 DSC2989Kizz sniffs out a new one

 DSC2991Every edit needs a few clips of the cement

 DSC3000 EditAnd Nixen Osborne flipped upside down to close out the session

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4101Let's go back to the city to kick off the actual event

 DSC3105Liv Lovelace, front 5-0 in hot pursuit of Simo

 DSC3046This happened in the first five minutes. Ben Weir shot into an inconveniently-located pole. He was out for the event but was back grinding handrails through restaurants by Sunday

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4169Then a short stroll across the road

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4185It’d be unAustralian if there weren't benis

 DSC3179T Fynn in the house

 DSC3167Sammy Atkins has already done this blunt pop over, but he did it again for beer money...

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4249Mitch Robertom, frontsy

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4737Another short stroll to the next spot. Hi, Tegz, Adelaide and Sheezy!

 DSC3185Canberra Raiders made an appearance

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4476Zesty throws a quick kickflip noseslide

 DSC3243Following up, Tommy takes his kickflips into a front board

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4676From one Queenslander to another—get it, Diddy

 DSC3222 EditSam Atkins, frontside noseblunt

 DSC3253Sam Fairwether made light work of a few heavy tricks. Frontside 180 50-50

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4809Barry Taniwha had a whoopsie. Aunty Sheezy to the rescue

 DSC3373Then Church Bar were rad enough to accommodate all of this

 DSC3339Cons Tapaited emerges from his shed

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 4983Jett Dehaan, waste enclosure yank out

 DSC3341Jakob goes frontside with it

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 5271The ol’ challenge Cons to a leg wrestle

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 5251But he’s built like a brick shit house

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 5317Kob taking the dump truck to the waste enclosure. Sorry…had to

 DSC3408Jay Runciman, barside Smith grind

 DSC3412Scooter girl even got some cash

 DSC3543Day two, we sparked the session at Telstra hip. Ben Currie goes at it the wrong way with a back 5-0

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 5622Mashy getting the legs going after a night in The Shed, back tail

 DSC3479Always love some doubles action

 DSC3454Rob Pace, front crooks to fakie

 DSC3569Carry on then

 DSC3675The triple set copped a Creature-coffin extension this year. Zesty tests it with a beautiful back lip

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6331Next up, George Richards, back Smith

 DSC3621Another day, another fat noseblunt from Sam Atkins

 DSC3642Rob front crooks before things moved over to the double set

 DSC3715More additions, this time it's a kicker for Sam to boost off

 DSC3797Rob backs him up with a 180 nosegrind up

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6410By the power vested in me

 DSC3808Lognardo blesses us with an NBD back 180

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6522Shit went turbo when the local Canberrian rolled away

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6546Lognardosh

 DSC3849Then the flip attempts ensued. There were three or four people trying kickflip at one stage. The shitty bricks and huge set claimed everyone else this year. Ben Currie got the closest. He basically rolled away then got bucked into the crowd

 DSC3862Ben got robbed of this kickflip and his carcass just couldn’t take any more hucks

 DSC3892Bit of claret

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6508 2Justin Shmidt tried this hardflip for at least 45 minutes. He got close, lots. Let's revisit this photo when he lands it next time

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6646"ONE MORE"

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6605But soon enough, we had to move on. Lognardo for the win

 DSC4000Back to Belco skatepark. Uncle Niddy and Wacko enjoy a couple cans

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6763Jesse Noonan AKA MC Yung Rad Dad

 DSC3968Liv throwin' down for some cash

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6816Simo, Stipo, Reeceos and Floydos

 DSC3936Sam Atkins, switch back lip

 DSC4018And it's officially ON. Cons decks out a rock 'n' roll to fire it up

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6851Same as it ever was

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6840If you’re not first, you’re last

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6624Mashy throwin’ the arse end out on a frontside air over the channel

 DSC4027Nixen used to be a Belco Boi. He’s never sad to be back

 DSC4101MC Cons

 DSC4126Kieran shut down longest grind. The Smith to 5-0 revert you saw on Instagram

 DSC4141That must have felt nice

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6680Nixen, from where you’d rather not be

 DSC4184 EditAnd he pulls it

 DSC4165 EditRyan Helm, gap to back tail

 DSC4219 EditAnd a backside alley-oop Indy

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6747Kieran, over the channel frontside invert

 DSC4262Yep, that was cooked

 DSC4210 EditSteven Pineiro tamed a backside 360 to fakie and then backed himself up with a 540

 DSC4223 EditThen threw an Omar

 DSC4267Cheers, Shavies!

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 6984And the moment we've all been waiting for, high-air time!

 DSC4271Cons tryna catch some three meteries

 DSC4306Ten-year-old Harvey Campbel throws his two cents in

 DSC4308 Edit 2Steven Pineiro, well up

 DSC4310 EditRJ!

 DSC4298Not even a bread clip could fix this blowout

 DSC4274Back on! According to Cons, the best bait for a high air is a plugga

 DSC4318RJ, chicken wing to...

 DSC4322Broken wing. Hopefully next year we don’t see RJ carted out by paramedics

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 7054And again we have the annual "Watch Cons Try to Get Out of The Bowl" event

 DSC4328Enough halftime entertainment. Mitch Robertom wants to see a FRONTSYYY!

 DSC4311Lachie Abbott, padless madman

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 7085Cons flicking his lure at this exceptional three-metery by Lachie

 DSC4376 Edit 2Yep...

 DSC4383 EditJosh Matwijiw, hooked

Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 7102One more time

 DSC4400Channel extension was something else this year. Kieran tests the waters

 DSC4421Lachie christens it with a Smith grind

 DSC4466 EditKizz putting the foot down on a backside boneless

 DSC4232That’s a wrap on the bowl jam. Congrats, Kieran, on defending the title


Belco BlowJam 2022 2000px 7237Now, off to the pub

 DSC4511BWOn day three, everyone was feeling it from the last couple of days, plus the after party, plus The Shed. All those that remained headed to this heaps chill spot. Nixen Osborne, feeble fakie

 DSC4566 EditSam Owbridge kicked out some cash-money incentivized shits 'n' gigs

 DSC4578 EditKob Robinson had a spew in the bushes, dusted himself off then nosepicked the thing

 DSC4595Cons, a fine specimen

 DSC4537Nixen rifled off a few tricks where no one has hit before, and threw in this backside disaster for good measure

 DSC4639Then got busted up on a pivot fakie

 DSC4640Only three concussions on the weekend, not too bad

 DSC4697Jezza, Mash, Leaf and Brad—a vibe

 DSC4715Now, take another look at a couple blokes. That is all from this year's Belco Weekend. Thanks to the sponsors and everyone behind making it happen. 'Til next time, Canberra, you beauty
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