• Road To Texas: Part 2

    Road To Texas: Part 2
    Independent Trucks has part 2 of their road to Texas with Homoki, Smith, Shannon and Hooker.
  • Bridge to the Future

    Bridge to the Future
    Check out the article from the weekend of Phx Am that's featured in our June 2011 issue. Watch the video from the weekend here.
  • Taylor Smith Intro Video

    Taylor Smith Intro Video
    Foundation Skateboards welcomes Taylor Smith. Look for his part in WTF! coming soon.
  • Hell on Wheels: Taylor Smith

    Hell on Wheels: Taylor Smith
    So, there's Grant Taylor, Mikey Taylor, Taylor Bingaman, Jordan Taylor…and now Foundation's Taylor Smith? The thing is, they all rip. Here's Mr Smith...
  • Five Sequences: April 29, 2011

    Five Sequences: April 29, 2011
    Rhino brings you this week's 'five' with Wes Kremer, Lance Mountain, Taylor Smith, Josh Borden, and Jack Fardell.
  • Five Sequences: April 1, 2011

    Five Sequences: April 1, 2011
    Rhino brings you this week's 'five' with Josh Borden, Wes Kremer, Kevin Kowalski, Taylor Smith, and Sean Conover.
  • Skate Soup: Foundation

    Skate Soup: Foundation
    Tucson Timmy took the F-Troop to some of his old spots in Arizona the week of the Round-Up, and put together another Skate Soup.
  • Skatepark Round-Up: Foundation

    Skatepark Round-Up: Foundation
    A board company two decades deep knows how to pick good riders. Pros you know like Sierra and Duffel go to work while new jacks like Nick Merlino show the future of skating. You gotta see his ender.
  • Firing Line: Taylor Smith

    Firing Line: Taylor Smith
    Taylor Smith starts off Foundation's Skatepark Round-Up week with a buttery Firing Line.
  • Indy Clip 5: Texas Hospitality

    Indy Clip 5: Texas Hospitality
    Carter and Doug let us hit up their zones and the crew was psyched. Locals Raney Beres, Raymond Sanchez, and Ben Johnson jumped in and got the session going with Jaws and Taylor Smith. A big thanks to Carter for hooking it up.