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Globe Snake Session Aus II Photos

The Globe Snake Session II shop-versus-shop event series slithers on. The US Snake Session II was a level up on last year’s and Australia’s second event was a shutdown. Ten skateshop teams from all states flew, drove, hitched, couch surfed, slept in cars and five-star hotels to throw down for cash and 365 days of bragging rights. Shout out to Truckstop Sk8, Soggybones, Geelong Skateshop, Hemley Skateboarding, Fast Times, OCD, Lodown, Boarders, Boardstore and Trilogy. Forty of Australia’s best skaters shredded, including 2019 Australian SOTY Jack O’Grady, heavyweights Jackson Pilz and Jesse Noonan and new gens Zepp Heyes, Jett De Haan and little big man Ethan Copeland. Everyone destroyed, but in the end Jakob Robinson led the charge for the NSW North Coast and eventual victors Truckstop Sk8. —Steve Douglas

1 WinnersTeamTruckStop Mapstone 750pxWinners are grinners—team Truckstop snaked their way to victory in Melbourne

2 AndTheWinnerIsTruckstopSkateShop Mapstone 750pxThe boys from Ballina celebrate

3 1stPlaceJakobRobinson Mapstone 750pxThe boy with the endless trick list—Jakob Robinson made the decision easy for the judges

4 JackOGradyLipslide2Lipslide Mapstone 750pxSkate Fast or Go Home! Jack O’Grady should have that written across his chest—lip to lip

5 JacksonJamesJesseArnoldTeamFasttimes Mapstone 750pxThe Fast Times boys were quick to get the votes from the judges. Check out Jesse Noonan’s grip job

6 JesseNoonanInYourFaceAnthonyBestTrickNoseGrindTailGrabUpTheExtension Mapstone 750pxNoonan nosegrind tailgrabs Anthony Mapstone’s face right off in the best-trick-for-cash contest

7 JamesHallBestTrickFakieFlipYesHeMadeThis Mapstone 750pxFakie flip by James Hall. Yes, he landed this

8 ShaunBoucherMillerFlip Mapstone 750pxShaun Boucher was unstoppable, Miller flipping all over the place

9 JonCahillFsAirOverTheGlobeVertWall Mapstone 750pxThis vert wall is so big no one can skate it, so—fuck it—Jon Cahill airs over the damn thing

10 JesseNoonanMassiveFsWallride Mapstone 750pxJesse, overheard wall bash

11 EthanCopelandFs360Stalefish Mapstone 750pxEthan Copeland floating around in the shallow end with this stinky stalefish revert

12 JacksonPilzFsAlleyOopNollie Mapstone 750pxJackson Pilz with some serious glue-foot action—frontside nollie-oop

13 JudgesPerspectiveShemBraggBsSmith Mapstone 750pxThe best seat in the house

14 WadeSamBenTonyGoodTimes Mapstone 750pxFree food, free beer and free fun—Wade, Sam, Ben and Tony enjoying the good times

15 GeelongSkateShopSupportersSamMaxwellMitchHarry Mapstone 750pxGeelong skateshop supporters—Sam, Maxwell, Mitch and Harry

16 RestingTheVoiceAnthonyMapstoneJon Mapstone 750pxMC Anthony Mapstone, quiet for the first time of the evening

17 FreeBeer Mapstone 750pxFree beer, enough said

18 Security Bruns Mapstone 750pxTough guy, Brunsy—don’t flex on him

19 NotTheBiggestSnakeThere Mapstone 750pxJust in case there wasn’t enough snaking going down

20 BowmanHansenNoseGrind Mapstone 750pxKiwi Bowman Hansen still ripping despite dislocating his shoulder the day before—nosegrind into the step down

21 JettDeHaanTheYoungestSkaterinTheSession Mapstone 750pxJett De Haan, the youngest skater in the contest, doing it for the Lodown boys from Sydney

22 BowmanHansenNollieBigSpinMelon Mapstone 750pxBowman Hansen nollie bigspin melons the tall wall

23 ReeceWarrenLipslideUpTheExtension Mapstone 750pxLong gone are the comp days of Reece Warren where he would rock up and win them all. Now he just cruises and hopes he doesn’t make the finals—lip slide up the E

24 ReeceWarrenNoseGrindTailGrabUpTheExtension Mapstone 750pxNot quite the Pambula vert wall for Reece—low-to-high nosegrind

25 ShemBraggLayBackSmith Mapstone 750pxEverything about Shem Bragg is laid back, even his Smiths

26 RyderLawsonMelon Mapstone 750pxStreet dog Ryder Lawson, grabbing this melon like he was flying down a 15 stair

27 BrendonCrossHeelBlock Mapstone 750pxPerth breeds ‘em tough, Brendon Cross heelblocks

28 JesseNoonanBsBonless Mapstone 750pxJesse Noonan, not to be mistaken for Jason Jessee

29 JacksonPilzFsStaleFish Mapstone 750pxNothing fishy about Jackson Pilz’ stalefish

30 JeeseNoonanFsAir Mapstone 750pxAlthough this air was angry, Jesse Noonan looks quite pleasant

31 JonCahillMadona Mapstone 750pxJon Cahill, Mad Donna aka Madonna

32 JakobRobinsonBsBonelessOnTheWall Mapstone 750pxJakob Robinson was all over the ramp and hard to capture, but he did put his foot down here and there… backside boneless off the wall

33 ShaunBoucherFsSmith Mapstone 750pxThe hardest part about this Smith for Shaun Boucher was making sure people didn’t sit on the handrail!

34 JaxsonPollockSmithTexasPlant Mapstone 750pxJaxon Pollock is not from the ’80s but his Texas plant is

35 EthanCopelandLienAir Mapstone 750pxThe smallest guy always goes the biggest—Ethan Copeland, lien

36 ZeppHeyesWallBash Mapstone 750pxZepp Heyes = Style

37 JackOGradyPylonBash Mapstone 750pxJack O’Grady skated the ramp like he was street skating—and that’s a good thing. Pylon bash

38 JonCahillCornerBonless Mapstone 750pxJon Cahill probably wished he was boneless when he ended the night with a hellacious slam. This one was a make, though

39 JackOGradyNosebluntslideRamp2Ramp Mapstone 750pxJack O’Grady’s noseblunt slide was so fast I thought someone might pull out a radar gun

40 JettDeHaanNoComplyTailslide Mapstone 750pxNo comply tailslide by Jett De Haan. Thanks, Globe, for continuing to put on such an badass event. Snake Session III, where you at?!
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